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It's Collector Car Appreciation Day!

13 07 12 - 10:54

The crew @ SEMA gets props for getting Congress to enact the annual Collector Car Appreciation Day (13July2012) for the 3rd year in a row.

Enthusiasts around the country are holding events today & getting out to enjoy their cars, trucks, & bikes. We'll be out in Ann Arbor for the Rolling Sculptures Show.

The weather is nice, so get out there & drive your toys!!!!
two comments

The phone is identical to the model before it, only they improved some of the internals, made the camera around back square, and added a new two-tone color to the aluminum design
MCM iPhone 6 Plus Cases (URL) - 10 06 15 - 06:14

Wow, really awesome ! have got a more exciting news here.
Korean MCM iPhone 6 case (Email) (URL) - 16 07 15 - 04:20

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